Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Got my First Coral!!!

Today I got my Light and my glass canopy. As soon as I installed the lights i wanted to get my first coral! And I got it, while there i also got a green wrasse, alge blenny, and some other fish i forgot the name to it.

The mushroom coral (the red one on the rock)

The light and the glass canopy, The light has 2 blue and 2 white and 8 LEDs

The green wrasse

The yellow tang and filefish

And the purple mystry fish

My alge blenny

White light on

Just the blue light on

Thursday, February 4, 2010

New Fish and Background!

Today I got a lot done with the tank. Installed the new background, one thing about the background, is that it should be installed before you add anything to the tank. Trust me it would be a pain in the butt. Got a few more live rock and 2 new fish to the tank and 1 starfish!

Tank currently looking.

At the local fish store playing with the cat.

Fish bag on top. let it sit there for about 15 minutes.

My big snail eating the little one....
Live Rock!!
Fish bags on top for temperature accumalation

The clownfish

Sulfin Tang

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Added more live rock

Added some more live rock and got a wavemaker.

Here are my future plans for my tank.
-Need a T5 HO lighting system
-Build a Canopy for the tank
-about 20lbs of live rock
-get myself a background (still debating on which color it should be black or blue.)
-relocate my heater and get a cover for it.

Here is the wavemaker.

Bueatiful piece of live rock.

Over the tank shot (birds eye veiw)

Tank shot of current look.

Update on tank.

Its been awhile since i last updated, going to try to update every week, busy with school and stuff.

Here a few pics added more live rock and got a new fish. first image dont know the name, think its a filefish not sure.

Its always hiding, hard to get a pic of it.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Added New Fish

Well I added new fish and inverts.

Stock List
-Blue Hippo Tang
-Chocolate Surgeon
-Green Wrasse
-Mandarin Dragonet Goby
-Engineer Goby
-Mimic Tang
-Hermit Crab
-Big Snail
-Cinnamon Clownfish-Died got stuck to the powerhead....

*Going to be taking the Damsels out of the tank soon.

Pics will be coming soon
- been busy with school did not have time to update.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Adding Fish

Well two days ago I got fish, some cheap saltwater fish. Got a few Damsels.